On Tuesday, September 12th, Breaking Ground President and CEO, Brenda Rosen joined Wells Fargo Head of Commercial Real Estate Kara McShane, Wells Fargo Senior Vice President, Community Relations for the Northeast Region Krissy Moore, New York State Assemblymember JoAnn Simon, New York City Council Member Lincon Restler, and nearly 50 volunteers from Wells Fargo to celebrate a Welcome Home event. Volunteers packed and distributed over 300 packs of groceries for formerly homeless tenants of Breaking Ground’s 90 Sands supportive residence in DUMBO, Brooklyn.
Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Wells Fargo Celebrates Welcome Home Volunteer Event at 90 Sands

"We are committed to helping the most vulnerable New Yorkers overcome homelessness and lead lives of dignity and security in housing," said Brenda Rosen, President and CEO of Breaking Ground. “The cost of everything is rising, including groceries, and ensuring food security for our tenants has become increasingly important. Wells Fargo has provided major philanthropic support over many years to assure that our programs could benefit larger number of underserved New Yorkers. They were the lead capital philanthropic partner to realize our development of 90 Sands into a model of supportive housing nationally and we are so thankful that they are now providing this additional support to bolster the health and economic security of our very low-income tenants.”
“Housing and food insecurity are two of the biggest issues facing many New Yorkers today and volunteer service and community engagement have been longstanding ways for employees at Wells Fargo to care for our communities and make an impact,” said Krissy Moore, Senior Vice President, Community Relations for the Northeast Region at Wells Fargo. That’s why we’re proud to partner with Breaking Ground on this important initiative, which will provide their residents with access to shelf-stable, healthy food.”
“Food insecurity is a crisis in New York and across the country,” said New York State Assemblymember JoAnn Simon. “I applaud Wells Fargo’s commitment to easing the burden by partnering with Breaking Ground, ensuring that the vulnerable residents of 90 Sands have nutritious food they can prepare in their homes.”

To mark the occasion, Wells Fargo provided a $75,000 grant to Breaking Ground, New York City's largest provider of permanent supportive housing for people experiencing chronic unsheltered homelessness, to address food insecurity for tenants across its housing portfolio. The grant will fund grocery packs and kits for more than 1,500 formerly homeless individuals living in Breaking Ground housing in New York City.
We are so grateful for the support of Wells Fargo in addressing food insecurity among the people Breaking Ground serves across New York City. Please join us in celebrating the Bank of Doing!