Opened in 1996, The Dorothy Ross Friedman Residence, formerly known as The Aurora, is a 30-story building with 178 shared-living units of affordable, supportive housing. Owned by the Entertainment Community Fund, the residence is dedicated to the housing and support needs of low-income individuals within the entertainment community, seniors and persons living with HIV/AIDS. The apartments have shared kitchens, living rooms and bathrooms. All apartments are equipped with a dishwasher, washer and dryer.
Breaking Ground, as property manager, operates the building and provides maintenance, security, intake and administrative services. The Entertainment Community Fund offers onsite supportive services for tenants that include referrals to community resources, entitlement program advocacy, and coordination of home care and medical services and an Activities Program focused on wellness, arts and culture.
Please click here for more information about the Friedman Residence Reasonable Accommodation Policy.